Thursday, November 8, 2012


In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we are told "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, concerning you".  Sometimes it is hard to give thanks for the situations we find ourselves in.  Sometimes it seems quite impossible.  However, we have the promise that "All things work together for good to them that love God", and we know that our Heavenly Father can see all things, yet still commanded us to give thanks in all things.  Not just in the pleasant things, but in all things.  It is hard, yet the simple act of giving thanks when we find ourselves in an unpleasant situation helps us to gain a new perspective, and, quite frankly, often changes our attitude about it, so that it's a lot more bearable. 

For instance, just recently I have been dealing with a very painful ingrown toenail.  Each time I started complaining about how much it hurt, I was reminded of this verse, and thanked God for my toe.  It's funny how you can't be thankful for something and grumping about it at the same time!  A wise man has said many times, "The definition of ingratitude is complaining that your leg hurts, but forgetting to thank God for your leg!" 

Let's not forget to thank God for our legs - no matter how much they hurt!  Let's remember the many blessings we've been given every day, and search for more blessings, even in the midst of uncomfortable situations. 

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