Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Trusting God

Sometimes it's hard to see why things are happening the way they are. It's hard to see loved ones suffering through hard times, whether that is with finances, health, emotions, or any other circumstances. We can be so tempted to ask "Why?"

Right now, I have one good friend who is struggling with physical hardships, one struggling with finances, one struggling with a relationship, and probably many others going through similar things. I find it difficult at times, especially when I'm asked for help, or for prayers, or for advice. Having someone ask for your counsel can be absolutely nerve-wracking! Knowing that what you say can be influencing another for either good or bad, and wanting desperately to say the right thing, but hearing it come out all jumbled is torture. All I can do is ask God's help, and hope that everything comes out properly.

As I was pondering this, my son was rather fussy. He was wanting to eat again, although it had been only half an hour since he'd last eaten. Knowing that if I fed him again that soon it would all come back up, I made him wait until an hour had passed. During that time, I rocked him, bounced him, sang to him, cuddled him, and tried everything I could to keep him content. Nothing worked for long. He would remember that he was hungry, and start to fuss again.

The comparisons struck me! Here's a little baby, not understanding what is best for him, just knowing what he's wanting, and having to rely on me to do what is best for him. And here we are, sinful human beings, not truly knowing what is best for us, but knowing what we think is best, and having to rely on our Almighty Heavenly Father to do what is best for us. Can we sit back and relax, knowing that our God knows what is best for us, and be content that He will accomplish that? Or will we be like my newborn son, constantly demanding that He give us what we're wanting, no matter whether it's good for us or not?

My prayer is that I can remember to rest in the comforting arms of my Savior, knowing that when the time is right, I will be "fed". He will do for me what is best. I am, after all, His child.

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